Braun Industrial Washers and Dryers
End Loader Washer-Extractors
Available in processing capacities of 100, 200, 300, and 400 lbs. dry weight load sizes
Ideal for low ceiling installations and washrooms with limited space
Strength and durability – the highest quality materials and simple, rugged design make this a truly heavy duty machine. The Braun End Loader will operate for decades
Thorough wash action and high-speed extraction assure high-quality washing
Wet Processing Systems Precision Dyeing Equipment
Ergonomics for Smooth Load and Unload
All models are designed for unobstructed, fast gravity-assisted loading and unloading – easily accommodating sling load systems and carts or conveyors for unloading.
Stability and Simplicity
Simple and effective Braun Neutron suspension isolates vibration allowing for high speed extraction – two-speed extraction standard on all models. High speed extraction reduces drying time and saves energy.
Advantage® 900 Lb. Side Loader
The Braun Advantage 900 lb. Tilting Side Loader is available in a four pocket configuration. These washer/ extractors are engineered with the same structural integrity and reliability of all Braun washers and feature superior mechanical action like our Open Pocket washer/extractors!
Top Side Loader Washer/Extractors
The Braun Top Side Loader (TSL) is available in split two-pocket and three-pocket models, and capacities of 200, 400, 600 and 800 pounds. (The 600 lb. TSL is available in a three-pocket configuration only.) Single motor drive is currently standard on all 200, 400 and 600 lb. machines. During loading the TSL rotates the cylinder door opening directly to the line of gravity. Items fall into the cylinder easily, allowing gravity to do the work. This also makes the Braun TSL ideal for overhead rail systems. The cylinder door can also position down to just 37 inches for easy hand loading. At the end of the wash cycle the TSL provides an obstruction-free, fast, gravity assisted unload.
H-Series Dryers
Inverter controlled basket to minimize wear and tear on drive components and maximize efficiency
Automatic temperature-based moisture sensing control prevents restarts and over-drying
Ring burner design assures uniform heat distribution with lint-free design and no moving parts
Heavy 11 –gauge burner duct system evenly mixes incoming air to prevent hot spots
Damper system accelerates heat transfer into load, lowering exhaust volume and temperature
Self-cleaning positive air flow blowers draw controlled air volume through the load, regardless of size. Non-clog design prevents lint accumulation.
All Braun dryers feature a reversing capability (standard), which prevents long items such as sheets or mats from becoming tangled or roping.
SafeLoad® Shuttle
These systems significantly enhance wash room safety! The chute loading capability provides operators a safe means for loading and unloading open pocket washers and dryers, virtually eliminating hazards associated with semi-automated and automated wash alleys. SafeLoad Shuttles with chute loading feature a hydraulically controlled loading device. Mounted onto the shuttle, it allows the operator to engage it into the washer door opening. Once engaged, the operator can then control the goods bag to open and automatically drop through the loading device into the washer.
Loose Goods Shuttle
Available in the following models: OPSH44 for 200-500 lb. wash floors OPSH66 for 500-700 lb. wash floors They are engineered for the Braun 200 lb., 450 lb. and 650 lb. Automated Open Pocket Washer/Extractor Systems with auto or manual functionality. The shuttle automatically travels to the washer/extractor, aligns, and accepts goods from the tilting machine. The shuttle then travels to the next available dryer where it automatically advances the goods and loads the dryer.
Manual SafeLoad® Shuttle
Designed to support the loading of washers in a manual wash aisle operating environment, this shuttle removes the potential for serious injury to the operator from pushing bags into a moving washer cylinder.
Three Convenient Laundry Center Programs
AAdvantage provides three convenient ways to buy, so that we can fit into your budget.
- NO Capital Outlay
- LOWER Water & Utility Bills
- LOW Monthly Rental Rates
- TAX Incentives
- Includes all Service and Parts
- SUPERIOR Service
- FLEXIBLE Financing
- SUPERIOR Service & Maintenance Plans Available
- YOU Keep 100% Of Revenue
- EQUIPMENT Cost Includes Installation
- Free AAdvantage Consultation
- The BEST Equipment to Choose From
- NO Capital Outlay
- FRIENDLY Lease Terms
- LOWER Water & Utility Bills
- IMPROVED Resident Satisfaction
- SUPERIOR Service
Corporate Headquarters
2510 National Drive
Garland, Texas 75041
Oklahoma Office
7626 East 46th Place,
Tulsa, OK 74145
North Carolina Office
101 High Hope Lane
Garner, NC 27529