Dexter Vended Express Washers
Exactly how powerful are Dexter Commercial Express Washers? Dexter Express Washers extract with a G-Force of 200. This is means that Dexter Vended Washers remove water with 200 times the force of gravity! This added power will save your laundry money by removing more water and decreasing drying energy.
Both the Dexter T-350 Express washer and T-450 Express models meet CEE* tier 1 specifications and DOE/Energy Star MEF** qualification criteria. Ask your local utility company about available rebates on Energy Star™ and CEE™ commercial washers and how these certified products can save you money on your laundromat’s utility bills! Click on each laundry product to learn more about how Dexter Express commercial washers can make a difference in your laundry.
* CEE – Consortium for Energy Efficiency
** MEF – Modified Energy Factor